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Exploring cultural food traditions and food’s connection to one’s land and community.

Celebrating and honoring migration and its importance in the food system.

Highlighting diversity in our food producers and providers.

Nourishing our bellies and minds

Slow Food East Bay’s Cultural Food Traditions project is a series of events celebrating how immigrants, refugees and displaced people have contributed to the food system.  Each dinner highlights chefs from a wide range of backgrounds cooking their authentic cuisines and telling the story of their resettling in the US, and be joined by a local nonprofit that works with immigrants, helping with housing, language skills and economic opportunities.

All money from ticket sales will be split between the partner organization and the chef.


Our goal is to celebrate diversity in food and highlight the importance of migration to the development of our current food system.  We’ll learn how immigrant cooks use food and the traditions and rituals involved in producing and serving food to maintain connections to homeland and culture and engage in new communities.  


Attendees will be coming to the table to eat amazing food, of course, but also to hear the stories of our guest chefs and talk about their own culinary heritage. We will facilitate topical discussions, considering the idea that eating can be a political act – recognizing that through the dining choices we make we can ensure a stronger, more diverse, more open, and frankly more delicious food system!


We believe that the table is a place where we can have meaningful connection and discover inherent connections to one another. These events are meant to bring together a diverse group of people to dig deep into the ways in which culinary heritage brings communities together.

Please plan to join us for evenings of delicious food paired with just as delicious conversation, knowing you will leave with both your belly and mind full.

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